Become a man!

Right guys, we’re in this to grow, right? If you’re feeling a little flat, if your relationships aren’t working out or you’re having money problems, chances are you’re suppressing some part of yourself (I do this big time). The information products below are hand picked by me to help you get out of your rut and meet tomorrow with your head held high and a fire in the belly.

I vouch for the quality of this material with my reputation. It is incredible stuff. By buying any of these products, you will be supporting my work – I’m an affiliate for them.

Finances » You need a Budget

After I started using this program, my financial situation has stabilized and improved a lot. It's by FAR the best personal budgeting tool I have used so far. It's an AIR application so it runs on both Macs and Windows platforms. It also has an iPhone app. It is well worth the price.

Check out this great app »

Women, relationships and lifestyle » Authentic Man Program

I love these guys and what they do. Of all the men's groups/communities out there, this is one of the very best. I have done courses with them and studied their material and it's incredible. Investing in any of their material is a no-brainer. I put my reputation on the line when I recommend a product so I don't share just anything. Yet the AMP guys and their knowledge have served me so much that I feel confident that you will have an awesome experience with their stuff.

Here's a video of what they do and below are their products.

Authentic Sexual Power

Authentic Sexual Power

This huge ELEVEN DVD course will take your skills as a lover to the next level. I have bought and enjoyed this course. It's the real deal and I practice several of the methods today. Comes highly recommended.

Learn more »

Foundations of Inner Game

This course is basically the three "Power of.." courses rolled into one package. I definitely recommend getting them all. The price is reduced and I think it comes with some good bonuses too.

Learn more »

A special offer from AMP (practically free!)

If you don't have the money to invest in the other courses, AMP offer a great package for only $1. This is how I got involved with them the first time around. It's a no-brainer if you're not willing to go all in right away.

Get the $1 killer product »

Male Psychology » Robert Moore

Thank God for Professor Robert Moore. He is one of my primary sources of inspiration in the world of masculine psychology today. He has done amazing work on the male archetypes and is the main source of inspiration for the my planned upcoming KWML product. I don't pretend to be able to make a product which is better than what Robert Moore does himself (though it will be different), so I recommend that you check out his own personal homepage where you can find a very well stocked webstore overflowing with the knowledge he has channeled down from the ages

Visit Robert Moore's website »